Welfare Officer

Hawks Community YFC has a dedicated welfare officer. Her name is Nicky  and as part of her role she commits to the following FA guidelines on clubs welfare officers:



• There is a safeguarding children policy, anti-bullying policy and equality policy in place;
• Those who hold official roles eligible for an FA DBS check have one that is in-date;
• Officials, players and parents know who their club Welfare Officer is and what the role of the Welfare Officer is;
• There are responsible recruitment processes which include the taking up of references.


You should always:
• Work collaboratively with your CFA DSO;
• Attend committee meetings, ensuring safeguarding is a regular agenda item;
• Work proactively with your local welfare officer network(s) and attend network meetings;
• Give children and young people a voice.

When reporting safeguarding concerns, always:
• Ensure everyone has access to your safeguarding policy and reporting procedures;
• Ensure concerns are dealt with swiftly and in line with The FA’s safeguarding policy;
• Seek advice from your CFA DSO when necessary;
• Use The FA’s Referral Form to report safeguarding concerns

When raising safeguarding awareness, always:
• Promote The FA’s Safeguarding training among coaches/managers, first-aiders, referees and parents/carers;
• Ensure committee members complete the free online FA ‘Safeguarding for Committee Members’ course;
• Encourage young leaders to complete The FA’s ‘Safeguarding For All’ online course.

To create a positive and safe environment:
• Familiarise yourself with and make use of The FA’s safeguarding children best practice guidance;
• Sign up to The FA Charter Standard programme;
• Sign up to The FA’s Respect Programme and its Codes of Conduct;
• Hold parent/carer information sessions;
• Develop a club welcome pack for new starters;
• Have a clear and accessible complaints process;
• Ensure you consistently deal with poor practice concerns in line with club policy and procedures

When monitoring and reviewing, always:
• Ensure compliance with Enhanced DBS checks via The FAs online ‘Whole Game System’;
• Track repeated incidents of poor behaviour and liaise with your committee and where necessary your league and/or County FA.